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Monday, October 11, 2010

Hands off ladies, he's mine!

We are excited to announce that Elise's future husband is in the making! Baby Smith will only be one year younger, but we have no problem with that! :) I'm so relieved that I don't have to worry about my baby's future hubby! I will begin to pray now that he will be God-fearing and have colored eyes!

Don't hate!

Okay, I was trying to upload more baby pics, but my camera or Mac was givin' me attitude! So until then I will have to blog again with no pics. We have some very excitting updates. We've got:
2 bottom toofers
clapping to "Patty Cake"
waving at ramdom times (still workin' on that one)
dancing on all fours to music
pulling up
reads along (baby talk) to her favorite book

She is so beautiful and I hope to have more pics up soon!

Monday, August 16, 2010

Yes, we are still alive!

Sorry for the no updatism. Kudos to mothers who can do all this and still take care of their baby. I'm not going to worry about backtracking cause Elise is not waiting for no one. I will try my best to keep this updated, but can make no promises. Thank you for the faithful few who check back and wonder if I will every update again!
I will begin with at 6 months:
I still love my glider, not sure if you really need a glider ottoman...maybe just a stationary ottoman
I still recommend solid crib sheets
I'm not sure I regret not painting a mural on nursery anymore wall since its the only non-distracting wall during naptime

Friday, February 12, 2010

Okay, I think I'm done...

I caught up the blog as fast as I could thinking my water could break any second. Well it didn't, but since I have updated the blog maybe she will be ready to come out?? Everyone say it with me, "Baby Elise, you can come out now." Just teasing! I know God knows the day and hour she will make her lovely appearance. It's a beautiful day to have a baby here in San Marcos though!